roboball2d.physics package


roboball2d.physics.b2_robot module

class roboball2d.physics.b2_robot.B2Robot(robot, b2_world, ground)

Bases: object

Specifies the interface required by roboball2d.physics.B2World to update the state of a robot. See roboball2d.physics.DefaultB2Robot for an example of a class inherating from B2Robot.

__init__(robot, b2_world, ground)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Apply generalized torques and return actually applied generalized torques.


roboball2d.physics.b2_world module

class roboball2d.physics.b2_world.B2World(robot_configs, ball_configs, visible_area_width, steps_per_sec=100.0, gravitational_acceleration=-8.0, vel_iters=10, pos_iters=8)

Bases: object

Engine using b2box to update the dynamics of robot(s) and ball(s).

robot_configs :
instance (or list of instances) of roboball2d.robot.default_robot_config.DefaultRobotConfig If a list of instances is passed, several simulated robots will be created.
ball_configs :
instance (or list of instances) of roboball2d.ball.ball_config.BallConfig if a list of instances is passed, several simulated balls will be created.
visible_width_area: float
width of the world ground (width of possible contact between object and floor)

steps_per_second: float

at each call of roboball2d.physics.b2_world.B2World.step(), a time step of 1.0 / steps_per_second will be applied (except if an argument current_time is passed to step,

gravitational_acceleration: float
vel_iters : int
pos_iters : int
__init__(robot_configs, ball_configs, visible_area_width, steps_per_sec=100.0, gravitational_acceleration=-8.0, vel_iters=10, pos_iters=8)
robot_configs :
instance (or list of instances) of roboball2d.robot.default_robot_config.DefaultRobotConfig If a list of instances is passed, several simulated robots will be created.
ball_configs :
instance (or list of instances) of roboball2d.ball.ball_config.BallConfig if a list of instances is passed, several simulated balls will be created.
visible_width_area: float
width of the world ground (width of possible contact between object and floor)

steps_per_second: float

at each call of roboball2d.physics.b2_world.B2World.step(), a time step of 1.0 / steps_per_second will be applied (except if an argument current_time is passed to step,

gravitational_acceleration: float
vel_iters : int
pos_iters : int
reset(init_robot_state=None, ball_gun=None, reset_time=True)

Reset the simulation

init_robot_state :
if not None, instance of roboball2d.robot.default_robot_state.DefaultRobotState, speciying the new state of the robot. A list of instance must be passed if several robots are managed.
ball_gun :
Instance of an object having a shoot method specifying the new position, velocity and spin of the ball (or list of instance if several balls are managed. There must be as many ball_guns as managed balls. None can be passed for balls which should not be reset. An error is thrown otherwise). See for example roboball2d.ball_gun.default_ball_gun.DefaultBallGun
reset_time :
if true, the internal time of the simulation is reset to 0

An instance of roboball2d.physics.world_state.WorldState which captures the state of all items managed by the simulation (after the step).

step(all_torques, relative_torques=False, current_time=None, mirroring_robot_states={}, mirroring_ball_states={})

Performs a simulation step.

all_torques :
list of 3 torques (for a single robot) or list of list of 3 torques (for several robots) to apply to the joints
relative torques : Bool
if true, the torques specified do not use absolute value, but relative values between -1 and 1 (that will be mapped between (-max torque, +max torque)
current_time : float
if provided, the time step will not be based on the step per second (roboball2d.physics.b2_world.B2World but based on the current_time argument passed during the previous call to step
mirroring_robot_states: dict
dictionary {index:robot_state}, with robot state being an instance of roboball2d.robot.default_robot_state.DefaultRobotState. This will force the robot of the specified index to take the specified state, overwriting all control and dynamics.
mirroring_ball_states: dict
dictionary {index:item}, with item being an instance of roboball2d.Item, encoding for the balls at the specified indexes the position, angle, linear_velocity and angular_velocity that should be used to overwrite the current state of the ball.

An instance of roboball2d.physics.world_state.WorldState which captures the state of all items managed by the simulation (after the step).

roboball2d.physics.default_b2_robot module

class roboball2d.physics.default_b2_robot.DefaultB2Robot(robot_config, b2_world, ground)

Bases: roboball2d.physics.b2_robot.B2Robot

(Advanced usage)

Instances of DefaultB2Robot will be created internally by roboball2d.physics.b2_world.B2World based on the attributes of the instane of roboball2d.robot.default_robot_config.DefaultRobotConfig passed to its constructor.

Users code is not expected to create new instances of DefaultB2Robot.

Advanced users may create new robot configuration object and new B2Robot object (inheriting from robotball2d.physics.b2_robot.B2Robot) to fine tune how B2World manages the dynamics of robots.

__init__(robot_config, b2_world, ground)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Apply generalized torques and return actually applied generalized torques.

get_state(desired_torques, applied_step=None)

roboball2d.physics.world_state module

class roboball2d.physics.world_state.WorldState(robot_configs, ball_configs)

Bases: object

An instance of WorldState captures the state of all object of a simulation. Returned for example by roboball2d.physics.b2_world.B2World.reset() and roboball2d.physics.b2_world.B2World.step() and

list of the configurations of the robots managed by the simulation see : py:class:roboball2d.robot.default_robot_configuration.DefaultRobotConfiguration
instance at index 0 of robot_configs
list of the configurations of the balls managed by the simulation see : py:class:roboball2d.ball.ball_configuration.BallConfiguration
t: float
current simulation time (in seconds)
applied_time_step: float
duration of the time step applied (in seconds)
list of states of robots, see roboball2d.robot.default_robot_state.DefaultRobotState
instance at index 0 of robots
balls :
list of ball items, see roboball2d.item.Item
ball :
instance at index 0 of balls
list of float or None values, one per managed ball. None at a given index means the ball at this index did not hit the floor during the last simulation step. A float gives the x position at which the ball touched the floor.
value at index 0 of balls_hits_floor.
list of index or None values, one per managed ball. None at a given index means the ball at this index did not hit any racket during the last simulation step. An integer gives the index of the robot which racket the ball touched.
value at index 0 of balls_hits_racket
__init__(robot_configs, ball_configs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


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